Anyway, got a little treat for the cats when I came across this interesting gadget in a pet store.
It's Bubble Kitty!!! XD
I know.. wtf right. Mum said outright that it was a total waste of money. ( So says the person who keeps buying new toys for her dogs every week. )
I would think it was a waste of money too but I knew the cats would love it and they deserve a little fun in their mundane lives. After all, staying in my room 24/7 can't be very interesting. ( They have to cause mum's dogs are ill mannered spoilt psychotic barky morons who will take my cats as their toys. So the stupid creatures get the whole house while my cats only get to stay in my room. Can't wait for the day I move out of here. Sheesh. )
JuuJuu especially loves chasing after the bubbles. Till her stamina runs out and she starts panting that is. She's mega fat now at 7 months old. I don't ever remember Bianbian being so big and fat until after she got sterilised. Then she suddenly exploded into this giant black cat. No more that skinny little kitten.
Can't imagine what Juu will look like when she's one year old... or maybe I don't wanna imagine... I just hope I will still be able to carry her by then. >.<
Bianbian suddenly started salivating yesterday. Until her whole chest fur is wet somemore. I was so horrified I went online to google cat drooling and found that maybe ingesting something toxic or teeth, gum problems may make a cat suddenly start drooling too. The worse condition would be some liver problem. Waaaa... Not that suay ba. My ke lian Bianbian.
Going to bring her to the vet later. Decided to try a new place at ang mo kio because that stupid Kasey Tan is fully booked today. He is always fully booked one. The recep tried to make me see Denise Ang again but I die also don't ever want to see her knncb face ever. For the rest of my miserable life. Hope this new place will be alright and the staff not as stuck up as those at mount pleasant springside.
Bianbian: Why so hard to find a good vet one? Poor me. =(
Haiz. I hope it's nothing serious... and also hope it's not going to be another period of one problem after another like not too long ago whereby the cats paid a visit to the vet every week. Sigh.
I'm interested with the bubble!
Thanks following me (^^,)
It looks very interesting those bubble toy ;)
Very lovely pictures from your cats they so beautiful ....
hugs from Kareltje =^.^=
Elin: No prob. =]
Anya: Haha thanks.. It kinda is interesting.. Hugs back from the Bianster and Juu.
It's nice to be your pet. If your room got space can adopt me also. No probem, I love bubble and can chase after bubbles too!
....Francis Tan.....
Ignore the stupid people if it gets the cat to exercise and you have fun with the cats with it then it is perfect, and it is such a good idea to not hurt the cats. I bet if there was one for dogs She would get it!
Looking cute but a little heavy might need to change the cats diet... What a sucker you are for your pets what a great person that makes you!
Oh the kitties are so cute - I hope the drooling is nothing serious. I know that some are prone to tooth problems and that can cause drooling (know that first hand) and our oldest started drooling at around age 1 and it turned out to be nothing, so hopefully it is something minor - it is a bit gross sometimes though.
We have catnip bubbles but I haven't seen the bubble gun here - I bet they will have a lot of fun with it!
Francis: Haha sorry no more space le.. XD
Jamie Martin: Yes I am my cats own personal slave! XD Lol. Hmmm, their on a special sensitive stomach diet which has kinda made them a tad chubby but food choices wise it is hard to find for their kind of special stomach condition. The cat food people did not make many special diet food here.
Amy and The House of Cats: Thanks very much! I was thinking it may be teeth problem or something too because she is close to being 2 years old but it turned out she had a fever.
The bubble gun makes a vroom vroom noise which makes them juz so amused =D
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